نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD Update #2

تموز/يوليو 2017


A Call for Proposals for the Center’s Inaugural “Education Quality and Learning for All (EQUAL) Network Seed Grants”

Dear All,
The Education Quality and Learning for All (EQUAL) Global Network, co-sponsored by New York University Global TIES for Children Center and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, are pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for Seed Grants related to measurement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 indicators as well as quality of education. EQUAL supports countries in achieving U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 4 and its targets ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all through the development of researcher networks, research-practice partnerships, capacity and leadership development of scholars, and provision of research seed grants for targeted research activities.

The EQUAL Global Network is pleased to announce the launch of its first round of seed grants for small-scale and pilot research projects based in the Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan African countries. These seed grants (total US$20,000 to each of the successful applicants), will focus on measurement of learning and development of quality of education, to inform policy relevant to Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Targets 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, and 4.7.).
In addition, recipients of seed grants will be brought together in cross-national, mentored convenings to build regional research capacity, and support the development of research-practice partnerships with national and sub-national government entities and high capacity NGOs.

EQUAL is at this point soliciting Letters of Intent (to be submitted via e-mail by 5 P.M. U.S. Eastern time, August 21, 2017), from early career scholars (within 8 years post-doctorate) as lead investigators in partnership with a mentor (senior investigator).

We request your help in forwarding the Request for Proposals available by clicking the link below. If you have difficulty accessing the page, please cut and paste the following link into your browser:



Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,

Professor Hirokazu Yoshikawa
Co-Director, Global TIES for Children
Co-Chair, Thematic Network on Education, Sustainable Development Solutions Network
UNICEF OMAN COUNTRY OFFICE Terms of Reference for Consultancy (Individual/Institutional)

Title of consultancy

Strengthening behaviour change programming to achieve better

results for children in the Sultanate of Oman


Developing and implementing an effective C4D programme to support better practices in IECD, protection from violence and

inclusion of children with disabilities.


Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Nature of assignment

In-country consultations and technical support

Reporting to/ supervisor

Programme Manager


Interested parties are requested to send their offers by email as soon as possible to zrashid@unicef.org , with the subject heading:

“SSA – Strengthening behaviour change programming”.

The Offer should be in two parts:

Part A – Technical;

Part B – Financial,

of not more than 5 pages.
