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We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD Update #1

April 2017

  1. National Strategy for Development and Intervention in Early Childhood
    2017-2022 – State of Palestine
  2. American University Medical Center,
    48th Middle East Medical Assembly’s roundtable: Children Cannot Wait.
  3. The Lancet Series Launched in Dubai
  4. Global report on Equity and Early Childhood:
  5. “Local Responses, Global Advances: Towards Competent Early Childhood Systems,
    International Step by Step Association Annual conference
  6. ACCD Magazine (Step)
  7. Lebanon, Higher Council for Childhood: Alert/Ntebho Online Campaign

National Strategy for Development and Early Childhood Intervention 2017-2022, Palestine

The Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Health and Social Development worked with the other concerned partners to develop the National Strategy for Development and Early Childhood Intervention in Palestine for the years 2017-2022 to provide a better opportunity for the survival and development of all Palestinian children in this age group.

Children Can’t Wait

Children Can’t Wait:

A roundtable discussion on the special needs of children with neuro-developmental disabilities in times of conflict will be held as part of the 48th Middle East Medical Assembly: First Global Conflict Medicine Congress. The event is taking on place in May 2017 at the
American University of Beirut, Lebanon. More on: http://mema.aub.edu.lb/register/

The Organizing Committee:

  • Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah: Head of Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; co-Director, Conflict Medicine Program, AUBMC, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Dr. Rose-Mary Boustany: Professor of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine/Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Director, AUBMC Special Kids Clinic and Neurogenetics, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Dr. Ghassan Issa: General Coordinator, Arab Resource Collective (ARC), Director, Arab Network for Early Childhood Care and Development (ANECD), Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Dr. Ramzi Nasir: Consultant Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician, Royal Free Hospital Foundation Trust, UK. Adjunct Physician, Boston Children’s Hospital, USA.

The Lancet Series Launched in Dubai

The Lancet Series, “Advancing Early Childhood Development: from Science to Scale”, was launched in Dubai in March 2017. The event gathered MENA Member States, national, and regional ECD stakeholders. It included presenting the latest research on ECD and outlining potential collective next steps for implementation of ECD programming in the region.

More on The Lancet series at the link http://www.thelancet.com/series/ECD2016


Global report on Equity and Early Childhood

At the end of 2016, the Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development published a Global Report on Equity and Early Childhood. The report features routes to promoting equity in the post-2015 agenda for sustainable development and promising case studies from around the world, including the Arab Region. The Arab Resource Collective translated this report to Arabic.

“Local Responses, Global Advances: Towards Competent Early Childhood Systems, International Step by Step Association Annual conference

The International Step by Step Association (ISSA) released the March Issue of its newsletter including news on its training, resources, and updates of their board. The Association also announces a call to register and to submit proposals for ISSA Annual Conference taking place in October 2017 in Belgium, “Local Responses, Global Advances: Towards Competent Early Childhood Systems”. You can find more updates on social media through hashtag #ISSAGhent17 and on the site: www.issa2017.net

ACCD Magazine (Step)

The Arab Council for Childhood and Development published in February 2017 Issue 29 of Khutwa (Step), a magazine specialized in Early Childhood. In addition to relevant articles, this issue includes an illustrated story for children.

For more information, please contact: media.accd@gmail.com


Lebanon, Higher Council for Childhood: Alert/Ntebho Online Campaign

The ministry of Social Affairs/Higher Council of Childhood launched in March 2017 an online campaign called “Ntebho_Online” highlighting that “the virtual world is as real as real life and that threats online are threats offline”. https://www.facebook.com/NtebhoOnline/

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