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We Communicate For Happy Children

ARNEC Regional ECD Conference, June 2018


Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) held a regional Early Childhood Development Conference in Nepal in June 2018 entitled “Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: What is a successful multisectoral approach to ECD?” More than 700 participants from different countries and sectors attended the conference: governmental and non-governmental organizations, academia, practitioners, and UN agencies. The conference was also held jointly with the third High-Level Policy Forum on ECCE led by UNESCO and attended by Ministers and Head of Delegations. The conference adopted the theme of “multisectoral approach to ECD” following the domains of the nurturing care framework. Keynote speakers were Dr. Aisha Yousafzai and Dr. Pia Britto plus sub-theme speakers who presented on each of the four sub-themes: health and nutrition, early learning, responsive caregiving, safety and security. Pia also presented the nurturing care framework.

For more information on the Nepal Conference and on ARNEC: http://www.arnec.net/