نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD Update #3

August 2017

  1. Jordan Early Childhood Education Executive Plan, 2016-2025
  2. Early Childhood Resource Center: Workforce Capacity Building
  3. A Glimmer of Hope for Syrian Refugee Children in Egypt
  4. UNICEF Statements on Children in Mosul and Raqqa
  5. “Save the Children” Emergency in Yemen
  6. Leisure and Educational Activities in Palestinian Camps in Lebanon
  7. Yemen: Systems Approach for Better Education Results for Early Childhood Development (SABER-ECD)

Jordan Early Childhood Education Executive Plan, 2016-2025

By 2025, the Ministry of Education and UNICEF in Jordan will build on the advocacy efforts of the Sustainable Development Goals s and the National Human Resources Development Strategy to provide all children with access to quality early childhood education and to development experiences that promote primary school readiness, ensure healthy lives, and promote their future wellbeing. For more information, you can visit the site of the Ministry of Education in Jordan:

Early Childhood Resource Center: Workforce Capacity Building

The Early Childhood Resource Center is (ECRC) is a Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization established in 1985 to improve the education of young children in Palestine. ECRC builds capacity in the early childhood sector by training teachers, empowering parents as partners in their children’s development, developing and producing culturally relevant resources for early childhood learning, and raising community awareness of the importance of the early childhood period. In the beginning of 2017, ECRC concluded a cooperation agreement with Al Quds University aiming at developing cadres in the field of learning resources and the design of education in order to support the workforce in educational institutions (nurseries, kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities) and other entities related to educational management.
For more, please visit ECRC site: http://ecrc-jer.org/?lang=en

A Glimmer of Hope for Syrian Refugee Children in Egypt

Children play, laugh, shout, talk, and run in the vast courtyard behind the green-colored gate of the Educational Center. Then the bell rings, and the tiny children line up and start heading to their classrooms, as formulated by the journalist Salwa Samir in “Almonitor” site. The Center is managed by Fard Foundation, an Egyptian nonprofit, which helps Egypt’s Syrian refugees return to school. The Foundation is located in “6 of October City” outside Cairo, and this city houses thousands of Syrians, some of whom also own shops there. It is called Little Damascus due to the huge influx of Syrians.
To read the full article:

UNICEF Statements on Children in Mosul and Raqqa

According to Hamida Ramadhani, UNICEF’s Deputy Representative in Iraq, despite the end of the battle in Mosul, children’s deep physical and mental scars will take time to heal. Some 650,000 boys and girls have paid a terrible price and endured many horrors over the past three years. Meanwhile, working with partners, UNICEF has managed to reunify 1,333 unaccompanied or separated children from Mosul with their families.
In a later statement, Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, expressed that extreme suffering continues in the region and that violence and conflicts are putting the lives and futures of nearly 27 million children at risk. In the city of Raqqa in Syria, violence has further intensified, with children repeatedly coming under attack. Cappelaere wonders how we can “build a more stable and prosperous future for all while children are exposed to such horrors and treated this way”.
For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, you can visit
www.unicef.org or http://uni.cf/iraqcrisis

“Save the Children” Emergency in Yemen

“Save the Children” is launching an emergency alert in Yemen where some 4.5 million children and pregnant or lactating women are in urgent need of nutrition services. Moreover, according to SCF, one child is now infected with cholera every 35 seconds. Save the Children in Yemen is distributing food, operating mobile health clinics, and treating 54,160 children under age five for malnutrition. To get more information or to offer support, you can visit:

Leisure and Educational Activities in Palestinian Camps in Lebanon

Children and Youth Center celebrated the end of its summer educational and recreational program in Shatila and Nahr El Bared Palestinian Camps in Lebanon. In cooperation with UNRWA, kindergartens, and parents, the program aimed at empowering 200 children and preparing them for the 1st and 2nd elementary grades, in order to reduce the average of failing and drop out.

On other hand, CYC received 350 children, 6-14 years, within a recreational educational program. The program included life skills, psychosocial support, games, singing, dancing, painting, interactive theatre playing, sports, handcrafts, trips, in addition to awareness about Child Rights, health care, nonviolence, friendship, integration among the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrian and other children participating in the activities.

To get more information, you can visit: https://cycshatila.org

Yemen: Systems Approach for Better Education Results for Early Childhood Development (SABER-ECD)