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We Communicate For Happy Children

ECWI: Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Training and Professional Development


After discussing early childhood workforce labor conditions, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) released a report about training and professional development opportunities.

This report identifies 10 key findings on the state of training and professional development for the early childhood workforce globally, highlighting variability in access to training and quality implications caused by the structure and intensity of training programs. It calls for identifying the widely available pre-and in-service training opportunities, relevant and practical training and linkage to available competences and standards. Despite the critical knowledge training and professional development offer, limited access among specific groups, varying quality, practical training opportunities, and relevance to local contexts reduce their potential for significant impact. Countries should identify necessary improvements to their systems and consider how to design and implement training and professional development. Read more about training and professional development of ECD workforce here