نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

November 2022 ECD activities


This online webinar entitled “Leveraging Science to Foster Resilience in Families and Communities” builds on the joint initiative in 2021 between the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (HCDC) and the ECD Regional Networks (AfECN, ANECD, ARNEC, & ISSA) to strengthen the ability of ECD champions around the world to understand, communicate, and apply the science of childhood development to improve policies and programs for young children and their families.

The session will focus on insights from the science of adversity and resilience that can help families, communities, and public systems support healthy development for young children. It will also feature representatives from the regional networks who participated last year sharing their experiences with using the science of child development to advance key ECD policy and program initiatives.

Live interpretation will be available in Arabic.
Date: Monday, November 21, 2022, from 1200 – 1400 UTC/GMT.

التسجيل لحضور الندوة

UNESCO is honored to invite you to the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in November 2022, seeks to establish ways of providing the means to offer all children the pre-primary education to which they are entitled. To this end, governments and more than 1,500 participants from different backgrounds will address the many other aspects of this issue.

This important event has an ambitious aim: to develop a global policy framework to guide international cooperation and public policies in pre-primary education. Therefore, all relevant actors must participate to ensure their voices are heard.

Download the Provisional Programme, here

التّسجيل والمشاركة في المؤتمر عبر دعوات خاصّة فقط

Early years experts and youth ambassadors of those Moving Minds Alliance, ECDAN, INEE, ANECD, ARNEC, and ISSA, are delivering a call to action for every young child that we hope world leaders will hear at the Transforming Education Summit “Let me learn and thrive from the early years”.

This powerful united ask is a unique opportunity to galvanize commitment and action to invest in the futures of children and youth worldwide, and these efforts must include prioritizing and investing in early childhood development. An investment in early childhood is an investment in a brighter future for us all.

للاطّلاع على الدعوة

We aim to shine a light on the need for investments in early childhood care and development – and it begins with you. If we hope to increase public awareness, advocate for stronger ECD systems and policies, and expand access to ECD content such as research, webinars, and updates, we must ensure you are on board with us. Don’t miss out on future webinars:
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