نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD at UNESCO's World Conference
147 Countries support Early Childhood Care and Education


Ministers, heads and members of delegations, representatives of United Nations (UN) agencies, development cooperation agencies, civil society organizations, education agents, and experts have gathered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 14-16 November 2022, at the invitation of the UNESCO for the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (WCECCE). This conference “aims to mobilize all the stakeholders to ensure no children are left behind for the transformation of ECCE and monitoring Member States and other stakeholders’ commitments.

Dr. Ghassan Issa, General Coordinator of ANECD, addressed the global challenges faced by families and children in crisis situations in one of the parallel sessions at WCECCE. From poverty to wars, climate degradation to COVID-19, the “new normal” poses obstacles to children’s well-being and development. Malnutrition, inadequate healthcare, and limited stimulation threaten their future.