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We Communicate For Happy Children

Adapting to Change; Exploring Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions of a Child‑Centered Curriculum

الكاتب/ة الباحث/ة
Bahous, R. & Greaves, M.
Early Child Education Journal
تاريخ الإصدار
This Early Childhood Education (ECE) study explores the impact of changing from a teacher-centered to a child-centered curriculum, on the professional perceptions of ECE educators working in a private ECE facility in Lebanon. The researchers conducted two rounds of focus groups and individual interviews to explore the perceptions of the participants after the introduction of the new program. Our findings suggest that program change is demanding for ECE educators and many of our participants were initially resistant to changing their praxis. However, by the second round of data collection many of the teachers were beginning to adapt to the demands of child-centered ECE and their professional perceptions had changed. We conclude that although ECE program change is demanding, it can be achieved quickly if the process is well understood and supported by leadership/stakeholders. Also, our study suggests that in-service training can be a powerful tool for facilitating ECE program change and teacher development.