الكاتب/ة الباحث/ة
Dr Fathi Ihmeideh
تاريخ الإصدار
Writing often begins during the very early years of childhood;
however, some children first learn writing when they begin
attending school. Teachers’ beliefs about early writing
development can influence when and how children learn to write.
The purpose of this study was to determine kindergarten
teachers’ beliefs about the development of children’s emergent
writing in Qatari preschool settings. A 30-item questionnaire was
completed by 93 kindergarten teachers with a range of
qualifications, years of teaching experience, areas of specialisation,
and preschool teaching level. They were selected from private and
government-funded schools in Doha. The questionnaire consisted
of four components: mechanisms of writing, concepts of writing,
conventions of writing, and composing. The questionnaire
responses indicated that teachers hold positive beliefs regarding
most emergent writing components, with concepts of writing
receiving the highest mean score, followed by mechanisms of
writing. The results also revealed statistically significant differences
among teachers due to a number of study variables. Based on
these findings, the researchers offered a number of suggestions
and recommendations aimed at promoting children’s emergent
writing in Qatari preschool settings and similar contexts.