الكاتب/ة الباحث/ة
Dr Fathi Ahmadieh
Early Years
تاريخ الإصدار
Establishing a collaborative relationship between family and school
is associated with positive outcomes for children; however, little
research exists, especially in the Arab Gulf region, on whether the
perspectives of those who are involved in children’s development
and learning are similar regarding family–school relationships. Thus,
the primary purpose of this research is to investigate how parents
of children, early childhood teachers, subject coordinators, school
administrators, and school counselors living in Qatar perceive family–
school relationships. A survey was developed based on Epstein’s six
types of parent involvement and administrated to 552 participants
in Doha city. To add more information and deepen the findings,
the authors interviewed a subsample of the participants (n = 60).
Overall, participants expressed high to moderate levels of family–
school relationships. Learning at home exhibited the highest mean
score among Epstein’s six types model of parents involvement, while
decision-making received the lowest level. Furthermore, school staff
responded more positively regarding family–school relationships
than did parents. Implications for school and family practices and
policy development are discussed, together with directions for future