الكاتب/ة الباحث/ة
د. إلهام ناصر
تاريخ الإصدار
studies in the field of positive psychology suggest a strong correlation
between hope and work. According to one study, leaders who are hopeful have an
impact on positive financial and job satisfaction results (Luthans & Youssef, 2004).
Further studies have found that hope is a motivational state determined by the
interaction between three factors: goals, agency, and pathways. Luthans and
Youssef (2004) state: “People are driven to accomplish their goals by their sense of
agency, which provides them with an internalized determination and willpower to
invest the energy necessary to achieve their goals. Those with high hope are also
motivated by their sense of having the capability to develop ways to get the things
they want, which provides them with the ability to generate alternative
pathways towards the accomplishment of their goals if the original ones have been
blocked” (p. 16).